Dark Eldar Warriors
Here with a small update,
A few months back, I started working on my Dark Eldar. After some thought, I have decided to not do a full army of these guys, but instead do a small allied force to go with my planned Night Lords army. As the Night Lords will be terminator heavy, the Dark Eldar provide me with very mobile options. First among this is a full unit of Warriors. The Raider is still in the works, but I am happy to present the Warriors from the Kabal of the Obsidian Talon.

I am very pleased with how the squad came out, and I am really happy with the purple. I also had a blast painting the green glow effects on the rifles and eyes. Next up is the Raider as I mentioned, and then hopefully a 5 man squad of Scourges. I need to get my hands on 2 more pairs of feather wings before that happens, however. All in good time!
Looking awesome. The purple and green really goes together nicely, also reminds me of Frosties apple and blackcurrant sweets wrapper 😛 I cannot find a pic to backup my claim though 🙁