The Grymwatch
Another fantastic warband, and one that’s had quite the impact on the game are the Grymwatch, a group of ghoulish cannibals.

I went for a uniform skin tone for this warband to get an unnatural feel to the group, each pale, unhealthy and blood stained. Weapons, hands, and mouths were given a few glazed of red and a thin coat of BFTBG*, which looked great against the skin.

Of course, I love seeing more animal companions in warbands, like Riptooth and Grawl, and the Dukes Harriers are no exception. Bats! Vicious attack bats who hang out with deranged cannibals! I love these little guys. (Not that little)

I want to point out my favorite of the Ghouls, Valreek! (Above, right) When I saw the model I thought she looked a bit like the Ring girl, which inspired the colour scheme. It’s also refreshing to have 2 of the ghouls be women, something you might not even notice, which is something I appreciate more regularly with Warcry, but it was a refreshing detail for this warband.

would you ever considering adding a list of colors you used to this post? I’m somewhat new to painting and i would REALLY like to use this color scheme for my Flesh Eaters court army
Sure! The flesh was basecoated with Rakarth Flesh, then given a wash of Druchii Violet and Carroburg Crimson, mixed about 50/50. Once dry, I layered on Rakarth Flesh again and did another layer and a highlight adding in more white to the mix. I also gave the arms another pass of Carroburg Crimson and a coat of Blood For The Blood God. Any fur was painted with Rhinox Hide, Steel Legion Drab, and some Baneblade Brown.
Hope this helps!