Sisters of Silence

Kicking off the recently finished Burning of Prospero commission are the Talons of the Emperor, starting with the Silent Sisterhood. While I’ve painted a squad of these ladies before, I wanted to paint this squad up more in line with the box art from GW. That meant more of a burnished bronze and purple capes.

I always enjoy painting squads of warrior women, and this time I practiced a few colours I don’t get to play around with often. The bronze was done following GW’s tutorial, while the purple capes were done a bit more on the fly. As you can see, I also tried out some NMM gold on the filigree, which turned out quite nicely for my first attempt at the style.

I had a lot of fun with the blue sword blades, which really stand out on the models, and all the tiny script on the purity seals, which while a bit slow going, is always very rewarding. Another small detail I’m very happy with are the eyes. Instead of giving them pupils, I decided to keep their eyes all white to highlight their very unsettling nature.

Hey! Do you have a walkthrough or step by step guide on how you did this or what paints you used?? I love this idea and think you did an amazing job
Glad you like the results! I don’t have a guide, but I can give you the general process. The armour was basecoated with Balthasar Gold, given a wash of Druchii Violet in the recesses, before a highlight of Sycorax Bronze and an edge highlight of Stormhost Silver on the most prominent edges/points. The purple capes were basecoated with Naggaroth Night and highlighted up to Genestealer Purple.The gold bits are mostly Retributor armour with a sepia wash and highlight, and the swords were basecoated white before being given a couple thin glazes of (I think) Ahriman Blue. After it was dry, I simple added a few white lines to define the blade.
Hope this helps!