Tyberos The Red Wake

Of course being a fan of the Carcharodons, it was never going to be long before I added their infamous Chapter Master to my small collection of Sharks. I actually built and painted him around the same time as my Carcharodon Kill Team, but somehow forgot to share him. Better late than never, right? While…

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Art Scale Ultramarines

Ultramarines are my favourite Space Marine Chapter. I know they have a bit of a bad rep in the community for being boring, or to common place, but I’ve loved them since I first started painting 40k minis nearly 20 years ago. A Roman influence on aesthetics, a beautiful cobalt blue, white, and gold colour…

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Art Scale Little Sisters of Purification

When 28mag announced their Female Space Marine challenge, I was immediately excited to participate. The lack of women in the forces of the Adeptus Astartes has bothered me for quite some time, and this was a perfect chance to explore the idea of women as Space Marines. Of course it should go without saying that…

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Art Scale Ultramarines WIP

Boy, it sure has been a while since I’ve worked on some of these. I’ve always had a passion for these larger Marines, and the March For Macragge event going around Instagram is giving me a bit of motivation to make a handful to join my Sisters Of Battle. The new Uriel Ventris model also…

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Art scale Ultramarine

I’ve been fond of the idea of making Space Marines feel more accurate to the lore of Warhammer 40,000 since around 2010. For those who don’t know, the Art Scale or True Scale Marines seen across the internet were an attempt by hobbyists to more accurately depict Space Marines as the 7-8ft tall superhuman warrior…

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Carcharodons Kill Team

I started this project back in 2014, making almost 20 art scale marines to near completion using the methods I’d seen by Doghouse and lamenter. For those who don’t know, the art scale/true scale method was an idea to make Space Marines better proportioned and larger, to match the artwork and what had been described…

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Carcharodons Tactical Squads

While I’ve been hard at work finishing some current commissions (more on that at a later date), I’ve been making a little time to work on my own Carcharodons. I decided to break up the Tactical squad into two separate units. The first squad is equipped for close combat, meant to get stuck in. I…

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Art Scale Carcharodons and Rainbow Warrior W.I.P

A little while ago, I did a test mini for a Carcharodon force I wanted to make. I had a blast painting him, and decided that I would go with Carcharodons as my Art Scale army, not Ultramarines. I recideved the Badab War books from Forge World for Yule, which further cemented my choice. With…

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Art Scale Carcharodon

Last weekend I tried something new, and completed an Art Scale Marine. I have started to move forward with my Marines. I purchased some mold making material and some resin, and cast up a new torso. I used this for a test mini for a potential army. I had a blast building and painting this…

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Talos Valcoran, the Soul Hunter.

Here he is! After a lot of work, Talos is finally finished. I have plans to do all of First Claw, and up next is Cyrion. I spent a long time getting the pose right, and I am very happy with how he came out. I am also very pleased with the blue and the lightning,…

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