Posts Tagged ‘Daemon’
Flesh Hounds of Khorne
One of my favourite Daemonic creatures, the Flesh Hounds are vicious canine hunters and a staple of Khornes armies. These new sculpts, released a few years ago now, are a fantastic rendition and I had a lot of fun painting this little pack. My favourite model of the unit is, of course, the Gore Hound,…
Read MoreKhorne Bloodmaster
Blood for the Blood God! I love Khorne. Easily my favorite of the Chaos Gods, the God of War has held a special place in my heart since 3rd edition when I first read the lore surrounding Chaos Space Marines and the Gods they worship/despise. While not the start of a whole army (yet), I…
Read MoreThe Changeling
As I was painting the Dark Angel Librarian, I also worked on another converted model, the Changeling. As you can see, he has been converted to be taking the form of a Dark Angel Librarian. It was a bit of a challenge to try transitioning the colors, and I would really like to give the…
Read MorePalanquin of Nurgle
Another part of the Lord of Skulls commission is this Great Unclean One, converted to ride atop a Nurgle palanquin. The body of this is made from the Chaos Warshrine. I like the Warshrine, and I think it works well as an armored palanquin. I had a lot of fun painting the gold, and I’m…
Read MoreSkarbrand
Hey folks, I have recently received a commission in the mail, and I have been slowly painting away at it. The first item is a Skarbrand conversion. The brief was simple enough, a tabletop quality Skarbrand, painted like a standard Khorne Daemon with some OSL. After some inspiration hunting, I dived right in. I am pretty…
Read MoreWord Bearers Daemon Prince.
Hey folks, It took a while to finally get some photos (who knew getting natural light in Vancouver during fall would be an issue?) and I present to you my finished Word Bearers Daemon Prince. I had a ton of painting this guy. It was a bit of a challenge to paint him, but I think…
Read MoreDaemonic Possession
Hey Ladies and Gents, Little bit more work done on the chap. I have finished with my greenstuff work and have spent the better part of the day watching Thor, The Avengers, and painting this guy. Gotta say, really loving how he is coming out. I will have some painted pictures up soon. Until then,…
Read MoreWord Bearers Daemon Prince W.I.P
Hey folks,Been a little while since my last post, but I have been working hard on a few things. First off, let me say that the Blood Angel tutorial is chugging along, but it has taken me longer than I thought. It (hopefully) will be done for Tuesday. I also have a new desk, and…
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