Custodian Guard

The Sisters of Silence are joined by the elite warriors of the Adeptus Custodes, super-humans clad in shinning gold and with the authority of the Emperor himself. Another small squad of very elite warriors, mostly in metallic, this was a good chance to practice how I go about painting gold and an opportunity on how…

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Sisters of Silence

Kicking off the recently finished Burning of Prospero commission are the Talons of the Emperor, starting with the Silent Sisterhood. While I’ve painted a squad of these ladies before, I wanted to paint this squad up more in line with the box art from GW. That meant more of a burnished bronze and purple capes.…

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Inquisitor Draxus

Of course, I was quite excited when GW announced Kyria Draxus, a radical Lord Inquisitor who specializes in fighting back against the Necron threat. I’m a huge fan of her power armour, of course, as well as her weapon choice. In particular, the Shuriken Catapult, which speaks of her long relationship with the Eldar. She…

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Inquisitor Greyfax (Rebased)

Just a quick update to a model in my collection. With the start of my Sisters of Battle collection, I decided to have Inquisitor Greyfax join the Sororitas army. She is of the Ordo Hereticus, so it felt fitting to have them together. Trysanna Miniature painter, Warhammer nerd, Female Marine enthusiast.

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Sisters of Silence

I painted this squad with an effort to match the tarnished silver of one of my favorite Horus Heresy artworks, Hands of the Emperor by Sam Wood. I added some slight conversions to some of the heads, changing the hairstyle on a few, just to make the squad a bit more varied and expanding on…

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Inquisitor Greyfax

Joining the Imperial forces of my armies is the renowned Inquisitor of the Ordo Hereticus, Katarinya Greyfax. She’s easily one of my favorite models released over the past few years, and I’m happy to see her showing up in more Black Library products too. I’ve always enjoyed the extra bit of attention I can put…

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