Strakhov and Torch

Happy New Year everyone! A few months ago, I received Strakhov and the Torch upgrade pack from a good friend. Like a few other projects, it got tossed on the back burner. With trying to complete all my current miniatures, I got started on these guys. Strakhov was nice and easy to assemble, as was…

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Khador Warjacks

After I finished my Man-O-War Shocktroopers, I took a look at my Warjacks and felt like something was missing. I decided to take the white stripe idea, and apply it to my ‘Jacks. I also added some fallen leaves to the base, giving it a bit more life. I am much happier with the look…

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Khador Man-O-War Schocktroopers

A little while ago, I finally got around to finishing another unit for my Khador army. I grabbed these guys during the holidays last year, but they got pushed back as I worked on other projects. I finally sat down, looked at all my incomplete projects, and decided that I should finish everything I have…

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Warmachine works in progress

Over the past few days I have been working on a small commission and a personal project. The commission was for two Warcasters from Warmachine. One Caine of Cygnar, and Aurora of the Convergence. I have been busy painting Caine, and I have assembled and pinned Aurora. Aurora has been interesting, to say the least.…

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Sorscha and Warjacks

Hey folks, Been a while since a post with my own content, but moving can be hectic to say the least. Before the move, I finished my Warcaster and two Warjacks. Unfortunately I was unable to get photos up until now. Once again, a big thanks to Fabalah for editing these! I had a good…

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Khador Winter Guard infantry

Hey folks, Here with some more finished miniatures, this time some Winter Guard infantry for my Khador force. I am very determined to finish all of my current on the go projects, and these guys just happened to be one of the things on that list. I am very happy with the finished result, and…

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Deathwing and Winter Guard progress

Hey folks, Over the course of the past week or so, I have been chugging through some miniatures. The first item on my list is to finish up a squad of Deathwing Terminators. I am painting these up for a friend of mine, and making a tutorial out of them at the same time. I…

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More Salamander Movie Marines

Hey guys and gals, I have recently finished those lovely Salamander Movie Marines, and I thought I would share the finished product. I am really pleased with how they came out, and so is Thor. I did something new with this batch, and tried out a new technique. I wanted to add battle damage to…

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Wolves, War beasts, and Winter Guard! Oh my!

Hey guys and gals, Here with some finished models, and some work in progress updates. A few weeks ago I had a customer contact me, and asked me to paint up a small battle group of Circle of Orboros miniatures, from the Hordes game. I quickly jumped at the chance, as I am a big…

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