The cruelty of the Imperium & Master of Mankind

Aaron Dembski-Bowden is my favourite Warhammer author. I probably don’t need to say that he’s been something of an influence on certain projects of mine, I think everyone who’s wanted to build and paint Night Lords in the past decade owes at least a little bit of that to him. I do want to say…

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Custodian Guard

The Sisters of Silence are joined by the elite warriors of the Adeptus Custodes, super-humans clad in shinning gold and with the authority of the Emperor himself. Another small squad of very elite warriors, mostly in metallic, this was a good chance to practice how I go about painting gold and an opportunity on how…

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Sisters of Silence

Kicking off the recently finished Burning of Prospero commission are the Talons of the Emperor, starting with the Silent Sisterhood. While I’ve painted a squad of these ladies before, I wanted to paint this squad up more in line with the box art from GW. That meant more of a burnished bronze and purple capes.…

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Sisters of Silence

I painted this squad with an effort to match the tarnished silver of one of my favorite Horus Heresy artworks, Hands of the Emperor by Sam Wood. I added some slight conversions to some of the heads, changing the hairstyle on a few, just to make the squad a bit more varied and expanding on…

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