Thousand Sons Legion Tactical Squads

The main portion of the Thousand Sons forces are two 10 strong Tactical Squad, mostly armed with Bolters, but with a few special and heavy weapons. I was sure to add the Legion symbol to their shoulder pad, along with the Tactical Squad symbol and plenty of freehand spread across the armour. The first squad,…

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Thousand Sons Tartaros Terminators

The elite of the Thousands Sons forces are a squad of Terminators, armed with a variety of weapons. Just like Ahriman and the other Thousand Sons, I painted them up in the glossy metallic red of Forge World, which really helps them stand out against any other Space Marines they might face on the table.…

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Thousand Sons Ahzek Ahriman

Standing against the Space Wolves and Talons of the Emperor are the Thousands Sons, the 15th Legion, and leading them is Ahzek Ahriman. A sorcerer of grim reputation in the 41st Millennium, here he stands uncorrupted and noble, defending his home world. I wanted the Thousand Sons to really stand out against the Space Wolves…

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